Religion, belief and faith aside, the practical truth is you only have one (1) life to live! Yet, in spite of this, most of us are guilty of not living our lives to the fullest. We tend to settle for mediocrity.
Think about it. With the exception of a small percentage of the human race, most of us simply go through the motion of a “day”. We have subconsciously blurred our understanding of the difference between having a JOB and having a CAREER. We get caught in the errands of the day, whilst sacrificing the planting the seeds of tomorrow’s career. And at the end of every day, we say goodbye to our peers and simply say, with the slightest tinge of sincerity, “Have a nice day!”
Did it ever occur to you that “Yesterday” is gone forever? The truth is… “Today is the beginning of the rest of your life!” It’s a statement that should ring loud and clear and true in the four corners of your soul.
That being said, not being able to do the things you have been wired to do is really bad for you. It’s bad for animals too! Can you imagine a thoroughbred horse being asked to do the task of a donkey or a different kind of horse? That horse would have sunk into depression.
And you know what!?! That’s the state you and I will be in if we continue to do the things we really don’t like doing.
One doesn’t have to “dump and jump”, meaning dump the current state where in and jump into the state we are suppose to be in! Most of us can’t afford to do it that way because of financial obligations and other related issues. If you’re part of the majority, stick with your job to remain stable, however, jumpstart your future career by starting it as a “hobby”. You’ll be amazed at how quickly the transition will be. Why? Because you began to do what you really wanted to do! And time does fly when you start to have fun!
Doing what you love to do also always clears your mind. It also gives you a sense of fulfillment. It starts you at another level in your life. It develops in you a sense of passion.
Remember, passion is contagious. If people around you feel your passion, they will get excited! And then be interested in what you do. But then again, maybe you’re just deadbeat scared to move ahead that later on down the road, you begin to realize that you’re better off just having a job.
How do you want to look back on your life when you are lying on your death bed? When your end is near, you can look back at your life with regrets. Or you can look back at your life with joy and laughter. That choice begins NOW!
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